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Talent Acquisition Strategy


Why Your Business Needs a Talent Acquisition Audit

July 10, 2024

How many of us can honestly say business is running as smoothly as it could be? Between fragmented operations, over-extended budgets, underperforming sales, and missed deadlines, it's the rare unicorn who proclaims business couldn't possibly be doing better.  On the labor side, employees are responsible for producing deliverables at capacity. But on the operational side, leadership is required to fill positions with talent that can deliver efficiently and consistently. So where are we going wrong? Diligent and effective talent is the spinal cord of a well-functioning business. Many businesses are scratching their heads about how to make quarterly and annual targets, while legacy hiring practices continue to integrate less-than-ideal employees. We're here to dissect the talent acquisition audit and discuss how to identify whether your business needs one.  What is a Talent Acquisition Audit?  A talent acquisition audit takes a deep dive into all aspects of a business's talent function, examining existing processes and providing recommendations. Areas of strength are magnified, while weaker spots are fortified or overhauled. This ultimately leads to more effective hires, long-term talent solutions, and enhanced productivity. Focus areas are broken down below:  Identify Skill and Knowledge Gaps: Internal audits determine your current talent and indicate areas where your business strategy may need additional support. Enhance Employer Branding: Increasingly, how your image as an employer appeals to potential candidates is critical to attracting the right people.  Recruitment Forecasting: An audit takes a look into current and future hiring needs to accommodate growth and succession planning.  Hiring and Onboarding Processes: Are recruits receiving the support they need? Is there any way tech solutions can bolster your strategy or economize resources? An audit will identify gaps and areas for improvement.  Why Audit Your Recruitment Practices? Talent acquisition no longer falls under HR responsibilities. The recruitment landscape is evolving with greater opportunities for global hires, decreased tenure, and increased movement toward lateral, rather than linear, career trajectories. The augmented scope of talent acquisition requires a distinct skillset from specialists in the field.  By closely scrutinizing which processes produce tangible, objective results, businesses can solve gritty hiring challenges, develop high-functioning teams, and remain competitive in the market.  Consider this: It costs a business at least 33% of the employee's salary to find their replacement. That means for an employee on a salary of $75k, it's a $25k spend — and the figure creeps even higher with seniority. An internal audit performed by a specialized talent acquisition consulting team reduces the figurative and literal cost of outdated recruitment processes. The Benefits of a Talent Acquisition Audit With a humming talent acquisition strategy, you can maximize potential candidate competency within your business over the long term and align your direction with strategic objectives. Here's what you can expect:  Streamlined Recruitment Efforts Fragmented hiring processes involving too many (or the wrong) people will give way to a precise, actionable, and repeatable process that produces lasting results. A consistent cross-departmental recruitment framework helps hiring managers make unbiased decisions about the best fit for the role and elevates your business's employer brand. Discover High-Quality Candidates Find the people you actually need. Putting the right messages in front of the right candidates attracts high-level job seekers into your talent pipeline — those with the skills and experience required to excel in their role within a company. Plus, you'll quickly determine an applicant's suitability for the role based on competencies, character, and your company's current skill distribution. Maintain Compliance With Laws and Regulations Recruitment's regulatory environment is constantly shifting, with new inclusion, pay equity, and AI frameworks introduced almost daily. A talent acquisition audit examines your processes and communications from the inside out, ensuring practices are updated and legally compliant. Elevate the Candidate Experience According to Forbes, nearly 38% of employees quit in their first year on the job — and more than 40% of that group depart in the first 90 days. Does that have you on the edge of your seat? Offering a smooth, supported hiring experience sets the tone for recruits, encouraging a positive attitude and high commitment levels.  Gain Actionable Insights from Data An audit report provides valuable insight and analytics showing what's working across your recruitment efforts and what's not. With the opportunity to work through challenges and refine your approach, you can tangibly enhance your potential for success. 7 Signs You Need a Talent Acquisition Audit Talent acquisition audits are not always the most obvious solution in an underperforming business. However, often, they're the most necessary. Here are seven tell-tale signs you need an audit:  High turnover rates: If staff tend to leave as fast as they come, it may point to potential communication gaps at the outset. A specialist evaluates how roles are advertised to create realistic expectations and target genuinely motivated prospects. Extended time-to-fill: Positions that remain vacant for extended periods can slug operations and add pressure to employee workloads. An audit analyzes where your ideal candidates are searching for positions and targets those spaces to reduce vacancy and handover timeframes.  Difficulty attracting quality candidates: This can indicate a need to revamp or strengthen your employer brand as it relates to recruitment.  Poor candidate experience: If you're fortunate enough to receive negative feedback about the hiring experience from a new recruit, it's likely not an isolated incident. An audit helps streamline processes and support employees from the get-go.  Low-quality hires: Struggling to find the right person is bad, and hiring the wrong person is even worse. A talent acquisition consultant equips you with the tools to consistently identify the most qualified prospects from your pool of applicants according to predefined criteria. That way, you can accurately evaluate candidate compatibility before you commit. Inconsistent hiring practices: Variation between departmental recruiting practices or hiring managers leaves little space for cohesion or objectivity in decision-making. This can later manifest in misaligned or unproductive teams.  High recruitment costs: With the volume of recruitment software and technology available on the market, you shouldn't need to spend serious money attracting talent. An audit takes a look into where and how you're sourcing candidates and recommends more cost-effective alternatives.  Take Your Talent Acquisition to the Next Level With RPO A talent acquisition audit offers a single, broad-reaching, and comprehensive fix to resolve hiring challenges and create an enduring impact. Recruitment process outsourcing (RPO) provides your business with an external team of experts that analyze your recruitment strategy and provide recommendations to resolve enduring hire challenges — without the need to recruit an in-house specialist.  Envision RPO offers solutions to optimize your hiring strategy and ensure recruits consistently meet your organizational goals. Our experts can integrate into your business to understand your culture and produce a fully aligned blueprint congruent with your long-term goals. Reach out to our team to kickstart your RPO journey today. 


Talent & Market Insights



Top RPO Trends in 2024

June 28, 2024

The right spread of skills and competencies in your business is critical to achieving organizational benchmarks. Recruitment process outsourcing (RPO) is a total talent solution designed to optimize your talent function and attract the right minds to your team. RPO experts analyze where a business is currently at and where they desire to be, and then chart a direct course to get there with the right people steering the ship.  In 2022, the RPO industry was valued at $7.33B and projected to grow 16.1% by 2030. North America is expected to see growth of around 15% by 2027, while Asia Pacific expansion sits slightly higher at 17% during the same period. The two primary catalysts driving these changes are a sweeping induction of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) in business operations and a growing attrition rate across several industries. As we learned during and post-pandemic, companies need cost-effective hiring solutions while reducing operational overheads. This is where RPO enters the picture.  Here, we're going to unpack the top RPO trends emerging in 2024, and what shifts they indicate in the recruitment landscape.  1. Recruiters Are Integrating Artificial Intelligence Technology has assisted with sourcing candidates and screening resumes for some years. While AI Is not entirely new to the sphere of RPO or recruitment in general, its capabilities have surged in recent years and it's playing an increasingly key role.  Any recruiter understands the labor-intensive, time-consuming nature of repetitive hiring tasks. AI can knock a number of these off the list, freeing up recruitment managers' time for more meaningful work, such as building candidate relationships. Generative AI can scan thousands of resumes across multiple platforms, screen or rediscover applicants, and self-schedule appointments in a fraction of the traditional timeline. Simplifying strategic workforce planning is easier than ever, with AI reducing human bias and automating diversity hires. Applicants can engage with chatbots, enhancing the candidate experience and employer brand. What's more, according to a Deloitte study from the second quarter of 2024, 45% of organizations plan to reinvest Gen AI savings into innovation. AI is making an inconceivable impact, and it's here to stay.  2. Data-Driven Decisions Will Help Lead the Way With increasing access to data analytics and insights, recruitment decision-making will be increasingly data-driven in 2024. RPO experts can leverage big data to gain insight into future forecasting and talent sourcing leading to more effective hires than the traditional intuitive, impression-based approach.  Recruitment process outsourcing trends signify that recruiters lean more on modern tech capabilities to provide actionable solutions from historical data analysis. Overall, this will result in more accurate and proficient hires.  3. The Talent Shortage Continues With a number of automated technologies integrated into the workplace, companies are focused on maintaining headcount as opposed to reducing it. Employees provide critical skilled and complementary support for tasks performed by automation.  Finding the right candidate just in time amidst a labor shortage is stinging business development and hindering a competitive advantage in the market. As such, companies increasingly turn to an RPO provider to expand their sourcing strategies and talent pools to find qualified candidates at short notice.  4. Candidate-Centric Recruiting Is a Must In the past, recruitment was primarily balanced as a measure of candidate performance, incentivizing a company to hire based on skills and competencies. In 2024, businesses must lift their employer branding game to attract top talent.  The concept of an employer brand is far-reaching, encompassing all aspects of the candidate experience as they step through the recruitment process. The accuracy and allure of your job descriptions matter. The hiring process must be rapid and supportive. Businesses must advertise on the right platform to attract the right talent. In fact, social media platforms are frequently engaged to deliver more creative talent acquisition.  Advanced tech such as AI and automation is forecast to strengthen candidate-centric recruiting. Leveraging these tools, an RPO service offers an accelerated application screening with fast, actionable feedback. With faster timelines and enhanced accuracy elevating the candidate experience, businesses should see peaks in organic prospect attraction over time.  5. DEI Initiatives Are Driving Necessary Changes Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives are among the major trends to keep an eye on for 2024 recruitment process outsourcing. Not only are inclusive hiring practices gaining traction, but they're a regulatory requirement in many areas now.  Employers need to ensure compliance with legal and regulatory frameworks as they expand talent pools for people competing for jobs and promotions. Alongside compliance, providing opportunities feeds into a positive employer brand.  With extensive diversity hire practices and AI tools, RPO specialists will continue supporting businesses to substantially reduce — if not entirely eliminate — bias in the recruitment process to develop healthy, inclusive workplaces.  6. Hybrid And Blended Workforces Are Increasingly Normal During the global pandemic, businesses pivoted their recruitment practices to comply with social distancing requirements. This period catalyzed advanced recruiting practices, digital hiring assets, as well as workplace flexibility. In 2024, we will continue to see hybrid and blended workforce models. RPO trends highlight that diversification of workforce structures and demands will require RPO providers to develop customized solutions to accommodate. Virtual hiring and employee oversight strategies are expected to advance. 7. Flexible Work Schedules and Asynchronous Communications Flexible work schedules offer a huge opportunity in the RPO market, particularly in light of the ongoing talent shortage. Adaptability allows employees to work during their most productive hours, improving job satisfaction and retention. It also provides perks to candidates, increasing prospect attraction to open positions.  Asynchronous communication — which doesn't require real-time responses — opens the door to potential global hires, expanding the talent pool for PRO providers. This facilitates RPO services to access scalable solutions that accommodate employer needs by leveraging global talent acquisition regardless of location.  Combined, flexible schedules and communication requirements support inclusive hiring practices, allowing individuals with personal commitments to continue contributing in the workplace.  8. Companies Are Expanding Their Global Recruitment Footprint Considering diverse workforce structures, DEI requirements, and business flexibility, the global recruitment process outsourcing expansion is on the horizon. The RPO industry will tap into diverse talent pools across the globe, transcending borders, and local talent shortages to attain remote new hires. Off-shore, cross-border virtual recruitment is something we will see more of this year. RPO firms with global competencies and experience are likely to gain an edge amidst this trend.  Why Use RPO in 2024?  RPO services offer scalable solutions to meet even the most demanding business hiring needs. Managing large hiring projects and ongoing recruitment efforts, RPO firms offer a flexible advantage by significantly reducing the temporal and financial investment in talent sourcing.  By leveraging the expertise of recruitment professionals and advanced recruitment technologies, businesses can access streamlined, innovative solutions leading to more efficient hires and long-term development.  Envision RPO is a leading talent-sourcing provider with experts who can integrate into your company and devise a strategy from the inside out, leading to enhanced productivity and development. If you want to learn more about our talent acquisition solutions, get in touch today. 

Talent & Market Insights



Evolutions in Recruitment Tech: The Role of AI in Talent Acquisition

March 7, 2024

Whether we like it or not, artificial intelligence is all around us, and it’s revolutionizing nearly every industry, creating new efficiencies across the board. In the recruitment sector, AI is reshaping the talent acquisition process, enabling recruiters and HR professionals to streamline their workflow. That’s why around 85% of talent acquisition experts believe it has the power to fully automate parts of the hiring process. In today’s fast-paced digital world, AI recruitment could represent the dawn of a new era of efficiency, as computers did for paper applications. But what exactly will AI technology fix or improve, and how can talent acquisition teams navigate this new environment? How Is Artificial Intelligence Changing Recruitment? Before we dive into the benefits, use cases, and considerations for this new technology, it’s important to understand what the recruitment landscape looked like just a few years ago — prior to all the publicity of bots like OpenAI’s ChatGPT.  The truth is that artificial intelligence is no newcomer to the world of talent acquisition. While its popularity has surged in recent years, AI tools have already been making strides for decades by automating repetitive, time-consuming tasks. Whether it’s sorting through resumes or screening candidates, these early use cases have only grown in popularity and scope. Today, AI software is often used to filter out unqualified candidates based on highly specific, customizable criteria, such as education, experience, and skills. This allows the human recruiter or HR professional to focus on the more nuanced aspects of the hiring process. These use cases play to AI’s strong suits — that is, digesting and analyzing vast amounts of data — to identify the most suitable candidate for any position. However, to effectively leverage AI solutions in the recruitment process, we must first understand the issues it aims to address. Let’s take a look at some common recruiter challenges you might be familiar with: Common Pain Points in Traditional Talent Acquisition 1. Creating an Attractive Brand Image Recruitment marketing can be a tough game. Even large, well-known companies struggle to effectively communicate their core values and culture, making it challenging to attract top talent. A strong employer brand not only differentiates your job postings in a crowded market but resonates with potential candidates on a deeper level. 2. Streamlining the Lengthy Hiring Process From writing a job description to making a hiring decision, the entire recruitment process can be a lengthy, complicated ordeal. This is often further bogged down by time-consuming manual tasks, such as resume screening, scheduling interviews, and coordinating feedback. Multiply this by the hundreds of qualified candidates who might apply to a single position, and it’s easy to see why it can take a while to find the right hire. 3. Securing Top Talent With Niche Skills In today’s competitive landscape of talent acquisition, traditional recruitment methods often fall short when it comes to identifying, attracting, and securing candidates with highly specialized skills. This is especially true for talent with high-demand knowledge or experience, such as IT, coding, or financial services.  4. Personalizing the Candidate Experience Creating a positive, engaging candidate experience is paramount for today’s talent acquisition teams, but it’s easier said than done. This engagement increasingly relies on delivering a high level of personalization to each candidate. However, teams are often limited by resource constraints and the sheer volume of candidate profiles they need to sift through.  5. Improving Employee Retention Turnover has a high price tag for companies, incurring significant financial costs while diminishing team morale and culture. Traditional approaches to building loyalty often fall short, as they don’t always address the root cause of dissatisfaction or mismatches between job roles and expectations. In the latter case, it’s often a matter of vague job postings or even an ineffective candidate screening process. The AI Advantage in Talent Acquisition Of course, AI is not a magic wand that recruiters can wave to eliminate these challenges — but it can be a useful tool. Here are a few of the major benefits AI brings to the talent acquisition table: Streamline Candidate Sourcing Finding the right talent quickly can often mean the difference between leading the market or lagging behind. By harnessing the power of machine learning and complex algorithms, AI tools can scan through thousands of candidate profiles across various platforms to identify top talent who meet precise job requirements. Not only does this reduce time spent on manual searches, but it also increases the quality of potential candidates sourced. Accelerate Resume Screening In addition to searching through candidate profiles, AI can also streamline resume screening. These algorithms are designed to sift through large volumes of applications, pinpointing those that match the job specifications with a high degree of accuracy and speed. This level of automation can accelerate the hiring timeline, which adds to the candidate experience. Plus, it gives recruiters more time to focus on getting to know the talent personally, significantly increasing candidate engagement. Collect Valuable Recruiting Data Data is everything in today’s digital world — and that still applies to recruitment. Talent acquisition teams can use AI solutions to collect, analyze, and leverage vast amounts of recruiting data like never before. From understanding candidate behaviors and preferences to recognizing trends in successful hires, these insights empower recruiters to make data-driven decisions that improve hiring performance and the overall experience. Fine-Tune Your Employer Brand This doesn’t mean using DALL-E to design your next logo iteration. Instead, companies can leverage AI to analyze data from social media, job review sites, and their own internal analytics to better understand how their brand is perceived by potential candidates, and how to shape that perception. Insights like these can enable targeted employer branding strategies, ensuring messaging that resonates with the desired talent pool. Elevate the Candidate Experience AI doesn’t just have the power to attract candidates — it can also help recruiters deliver an elevated candidate experience. The goal is to transform the recruitment journey into a seamless, engaging process with personalized communication and timely updates. AI-driven chatbots are pivotal here, providing immediate responses to queries while machine learning algorithms ensure job recommendations are tailored to each candidate’s skills and preferences. Minimize Hiring Biases It’s an unfortunate truth that biases can creep into hiring decisions without us even realizing it. Even when well-intentioned, a recruiter might inadvertently favor a certain group or person over others due to unconscious biases. AI offers the potential for a more objective approach to candidate evaluation, analyzing qualifications without regard to gender, ethnicity, age, or other characteristics. However, the AI algorithm must be trained on data that’s free of these biases as well. Reduce Recruiting Costs Last but not least, AI has the potential to drive significant cost reductions. By automating routine tasks, these tools can dramatically decrease the time and resources traditionally required for these processes. This enables companies to optimize their HR resource allocation. Moreover, the precision of AI software can reduce the likelihood of costly hiring mistakes and turnover. Addressing the Challenges and Limitations of AI Tools Despite all of these benefits, some people might still be skeptical about this emerging technology. To address the risks and start developing thoughtful solutions, it’s important to understand some of these common reservations. AI algorithms risk missing top talent: This is especially true if exceptional candidates don’t fit the traditional molds. Continuous refinement and human oversight are essential to ensure these tools capture the full spectrum of talent as they evolve. Resume screening can make mistakes: AI-driven resume screening is incredibly efficient, but not infallible. Misinterpretations can occur, especially with non-standard resumes. It takes a balance between AI and human judgment to avoid mistakes. AI tools are often a black box: The complexity of AI algorithms means the decisions they make are often opaque. Demystifying these processes through transparent AI practices and technologies will be vital for maintaining trust and accountability in recruitment decisions. They require additional employee training: Any AI integration will require staff to learn how to use these new solutions effectively. Companies might be hesitant to make this upfront investment in time and resources, but these tools will ultimately enhance rather than complicate the recruitment process. AI can introduce biases from training data: AI reflects the data it’s trained on, so if that data contains biases, these tools could perpetuate those prejudices. It will be critical to continue monitoring and updating AI systems with diverse data sets that promote greater equity in hiring practices. Big data could infringe on candidate privacy: Collecting vast amounts of data with the use of AI often raises concerns about data privacy. Organizations will need to establish robust data protection measures to ensure compliance with regulations and safeguard the personal information of candidates and employees alike. As we look toward the future, these considerations will be critical for developing and integrating AI in a responsible manner that drives innovation and improvement while minimizing current challenges and pain points in recruitment. What Does the Future Hold For AI in Talent Acquisition? Right now, we stand at a pivotal point in time with AI rapidly transforming nearly every industry. As technology advances, we anticipate AI will have much more to offer recruiters and candidates alike — and we’re not the only ones. Between 35% and 45% of companies are considering adopting AI tools this year to aid their talent acquisition efforts If AI continues advancing at its current pace, there’s no doubt that we can anticipate deeper insights into candidate capabilities, preferences, and potential for success within their specific roles. At the same time, the tools themselves will become more intuitive, with algorithms refining their ability to match candidates based on skills, experience, and nuanced factors like cultural fit and long-term aspirations. As AI becomes commonplace in recruitment, solving some of the concerns outlined above will be all the more paramount. Just as we must reflect on our own biases throughout the hiring process, we will also need to work proactively to eliminate these prejudices from our AI.  It’s clear that AI is reshaping talent acquisition, as it is in countless other industries. Recruiters are already grappling with these ethical considerations and exploring the innovative possibilities of these tools. The key will be to approach AI with a sense of cautious curiosity and creativity that deepens capabilities and enhances existing practices. AI and Envision Curious how Envision can help you leverage AI in recruitment process outsourcing?Talk to our experts today to learn more about how AI is impacting talent acquisition.

Talent & Market Insights



The Future of RPO in Japan

January 18, 2024

As the world’s third-largest economy, Japan is home to many thriving industries, from electronics and manufacturing to robotics and other advanced technologies. After a period of deflation, the country has shown a strong rebound, approaching 5% nominal GDP growth in 2023, according to Morgan Stanley research. While this has made Japan an attractive investment opportunity for global companies seeking to expand in the APAC region, the Japanese job market has traditionally been notoriously difficult to break into. Enter recruitment process outsourcing (RPO) — a strategic partnership that offers regional expertise and proactive talent acquisition solutions to ensure a successful recruitment process. But how can RPO help overcome unique challenges like aging demographics and lifetime employment? In this blog, we’ll explore everything you need to know about RPO in Japan, from how and why it works to the best practices to succeed with a local RPO partner. The Challenges of Recruiting in Japan Before we dive into the intricacies of RPO solutions, it’s essential to understand the unique challenges of hiring in Japan. From the distinct business culture to social norms like lifetime employment, global companies can often find it difficult to navigate the complexities of Japan’s employment landscape, laws, and expectations — not to mention the language barriers.  Let’s take a closer look at some of these key difficulties to understand how the RPO hiring process can help overcome them: Age Demographics The first and most apparent issue many people in the Japanese recruiting space point to is the aging population. Due to a combination of steadily declining birth rates, increasing life expectancy, and low migration rates, Japan’s age demographics are shifting older, resulting in a higher percentage of elderly citizens and a shrinking workforce. In fact, 10% of Japan’s population is 80 years or older, while over 36.2 million people are over the age of 65, according to the World Economic Forum. Labor Shortages Japan is also facing critical talent shortages, with the number of workers expected to fall more than 11 million — or 20% — by 2040, according to The Japan Times. Primarily driven by low birth rates and an aging population, these talent shortages are impacting a wide range of industries and sectors, with the situation further complicated by a recent rise in unemployment rates. As a result, even Japanese companies are searching for innovative staffing solutions to expand their talent pool. Lifetime Employment Shushin koyo, or lifetime employment, is the traditional system in Japan wherein employees are typically hired right out of university and stay with the same company until retirement. This practice is deeply ingrained in the culture, especially for major Japanese companies, limiting the talent pool by making it exceedingly difficult to find a candidate willing to switch jobs. However, newer surveys show this system may be changing, as a third of Japanese employees report they’d be willing to change jobs or work independently at some point in their careers. Bilingual Talent Finding bilingual talent is another significant challenge in Japan. The demand for professionals fluent in both Japanese and English is high, yet the supply remains limited. Less than 8% of Japanese people speak English fluently. While proficiency is improving, it’s not as widespread as some other non-native English-speaking countries, making it exceedingly difficult to find the right talent who is actively seeking a new position and speaks English well enough to operate in both languages. Why Outsource Recruiting in Japan? While the RPO service model was relatively new to Japan a few years ago, there’s been a notable uptick in adoption recently, especially among global organizations. In fact, the market size in Japan is expected to increase by 12.4% year over year, as it continues to gain traction. But what’s causing companies to leave behind the traditional staffing agency and search for RPO solutions? Regional Expertise Local RPO providers in Japan offer unparalleled regional expertise and essential knowledge for navigating the unique nuances of Japan’s labor market. With an in-depth understanding of local customs, regulations, and language, your RPO provider can expand your talent pool and tailor your recruitment strategies to find the right candidate for any position. High-Quality Hires Unlike a traditional staffing or recruitment agency, which focuses on filling positions as fast as possible, RPO providers specialize in delivering high-quality hires, often with specialized skills in niche areas. Leveraging advanced regional and market knowledge, along with sophisticated talent acquisition tactics, RPO providers can source, select, screen, interview, and hire talent that matches all your criteria, from hard and soft skills to experience, culture match, and values. Flexibility and Scalability Whether it’s a short-term hiring project or a long-term strategic partnership, RPO solutions offer exceptional flexibility and scalability. With the ability to quickly scale recruitment activity based on hiring demands, an RPO partner ensures talent acquisition aligns with business cycles and growth phases. If consulting is what you need, RPO providers can also help refine your existing hiring process to build a proactive talent pipeline. The Promising Future of RPO in Japan As the Japanese labor market continues to tighten and evolve, with an ever-increasing demand for specialized skills and bilingual talent, RPO firms are uniquely positioned to meet these complex hiring needs. From a deep understanding of Japan’s unique market to innovative talent acquisition strategies, an RPO partnership offers keen insight while expanding your talent pool and streamlining your recruiting process. Best Practices for Successful RPO Talent Acquisition in Japan The key to successful recruitment through an RPO provider is to find a partner willing to work with you. After all, they’re the RPO sourcing specialist, but you’re the specialist of your own business. To ensure a prosperous, long-lasting relationship, be sure to follow these three best practices: 1. Find a Partner Who Understands Your Business The first and most crucial step is to find the right RPO partner who works as a seamless extension of your team. They should get to know the ins and outs of your business, its culture, and company values to ensure each candidate is a perfect match. 2. Leverage Their Local Expertise Next, be sure your RPO partner is an expert in the local area. From speaking the language to understanding cultural nuances, it’s essential to have a partner with regional expertise. They can help you connect with and appeal to local talent. 3. Bolster Your Employer Brand Finally, your partner should work with you to develop an attractive employer brand to catch the attention of job seekers and even passive candidates secure in their positions. With a positive image and a strong message, they can help you become a top pick for talent, driving them to you. Boost Your Hiring Efforts in Japan With Envision’s Deep Regional Knowledge Navigating Japan’s complex recruitment landscape requires a partner who not only understands the intricacies of talent acquisition but also possesses deep regional insights.  Envision stands as the trusted partner of companies across the globe seeking to enter — or strengthen their presence in — the Japanese market. With our deep insight into the cultural nuances, hiring practices, and job market, we offer bespoke strategies to help you secure the right talent every time. Reach out to an RPO expert today to discover how Envision can elevate your talent acquisition strategy.

Talent Solutions


What Is RPO? Everything Leaders Should Know About Recruitment Process Outsourcing

June 8, 2023

​Today, the hiring landscape looks a lot different than it did in years past. In an effort to streamline recruiting, 70% of companies have normalized a hybrid hiring process that leverages virtual recruiting technology according to the Society for Human Resource Management. Remote interviewing has become commonplace, bridging geographic boundaries, and expanding candidates’ options. But what do these changes mean when recruiting new team members? In theory, an even wider pool of talent to pull from. In reality, hiring has never been more difficult. Successfully navigating today’s talent landscape will require a more scalable and engaging approach: recruitment process outsourcing. What Does It Mean to Outsource the Recruiting Process? The short answer: RPO is the partial or complete outsourcing of a company's recruitment process to a third-party service provider. Now, let’s explore the longer answer to that question. The inherent structure of the traditional workplace is changing. RPO is here to help leaders and hiring managers evolve their recruitment processes in a way that’s not only scalable but that also directly aligns their short-term hiring initiatives with their long-term strategy. Rather than a “one size fits all” program, organizations can work with an RPO service provider to create a talent pipeline that makes the most sense for their unique business needs. Although it varies from company-to-company, some of the most common RPO offerings include: On-Demand/Project: Looking to hire extra support for a time-sensitive project or have an immediate need for talent in a specific department? A contract-based engagement defines the specific number of roles you need during a set period of time. Function-Based: In this agreement, an RPO provider will oversee a portion of your recruiting needs for the foreseeable future rather than a set period of time. This is often done for specific divisions or departments such as IT. End-to-End: At this stage, an RPO partner is managing every step of your recruitment process, giving you full access to their resources and expertise. Why are RPO Services Growing in Popularity? Although global interest in RPO services has steadily grown in recent years, it's now clear that recruitment outsourcing is here to stay. One international report found that the industry is expected to reach a value of $21.69 billion by the end of 2027. Why are so many companies moving toward RPO services in place of traditional recruiting? In a hyper-competitive market, a company’s greatest asset is its people and their talents. Aberdeen Strategy and Research found that within the 60% of organizations that handle recruitment in-house, it’s more likely that internal teams lack an understanding as to what's causing skill gaps in their workforce. Meanwhile, companies that partner with an RPO provider find that more than 50% of their workforce is “top quality.” Globally expanding enterprises may also be looking to build up and establish brand new teams in overseas locations, where they currently have no people on the ground. By outsourcing the entire recruitment process to a trusted partner that knows the region and where to find the best talent, saves time, money, and logistical barriers. By leveraging RPO-based hiring practices, leaders not only differentiate their companies, but they also gain access to top talent in a way traditional recruiting methods can’t. How RPO Varies from Traditional Recruiting Methods If you’re wondering how RPO is different from traditional staffing agencies, you’re not alone. Although there is some overlap between them, they represent two very different approaches to the talent acquisition process. When deciding whether RPO makes sense for your organization, keep these key differences in mind: Placement Over Fit Recruiting agencies pull from their own pool of applicants and get paid when they "sell" you on these candidates. This means leaders miss out on other valuable sources, such as employee referral programs or their own website. With RPO, it's different. Your provider is working for you to find the best talent, using a combination of resources to ensure you're getting the most suitable, qualified candidate ⁠- not just whoever is available first. Candidate Experience When you’re working with a staffing agency, you lose much of the control you have over the culture of your hiring process and how that reflects on your company as a whole. With an RPO provider, you’ll work together to ensure that your mission and values underscore recruitment and interviewing policies. Proactive vs. Reactive Oftentimes, hiring initiatives are thought of as a reactive response, either to an employee leaving or a skill gap becoming more apparent. Your RPO provider will leverage advanced reporting and talent analytics to identify future opportunities to improve your overall acquisition strategy, keeping you a step ahead of the competition. A traditional staffing agency will simply react to your hiring needs as they come up. Just remember: Recruitment process outsourcing is about more than simply filling open jobs. Instead, it's a strategic partnership between you and your provider. Together, you’ll bridge critical skill gaps and plan for long-term initiatives by bringing together the best of people, processes, and technology. Managing Recruitment Costs and Other Benefits of RPO One of the most significant benefits of leveraging an RPO solution is that your provider will work with your team to understand your unique hiring needs and how they fit into your long-term goals and your unique business process. By optimizing your approach to talent acquisition, you’ll also gain access to: Cost savings: Recruitment agency fees can quickly add up. Combined with the costs of subscribing to job boards and high turnover rates, leaders are left paying the consequences of a bad candidate fit. Rather than charging a salary-based commission on each candidate, an RPO provider works with you to determine your hiring needs. With that information in hand, they will tailor their services and pricing model to what makes the most sense for your organization. Flexibility: Your talent needs are rarely consistent month-to-month. Depending on seasonal demand fluctuations or deadline-specific goals, an RPO partner provides the option to scale their services as needed to meet your evolving recruitment goals. Data-driven insights: When working with an RPO provider, you'll have access to their market-wide knowledge and reporting capabilities. This can include industry trends, patterns specific to your organizations, and opportunities to leverage new tools for your hiring strategy. With the right RPO partner on your side, you can create a quick and efficient hiring process that helps your organization to remain competitive, better manage costs, and access new growth opportunities. Partnering with an RPO Service Still not certain whether an RPO service is right for your organization? As you work to make your decision, consider the following questions: Do you have hard-to-fill positions with very specific skill sets and talent needs? Are reducing employee turnover and better managing your recruitment costs both part of your organization’s long-term goals? Do you have fluctuating talent needs that make it difficult to predict when you’ll need to ramp up your hiring efforts? If you answered yes to most or all of these questions, an RPO partner likely makes the most sense for your organization. Look for partners who have industry-wide experience as well as scalable solutions focused on your needs as an employer. Whether you need end-to-end support or are looking for on-demand services, your RPO provider should serve as your long-term strategic partners and brand champions. Getting Started with an RPO Partner Hiring has never been more difficult. Faced with heightened competition and widening skill gaps, leaders need tools and processes to better manage the recruitment process. The right RPO partner can help. Armed with an optimized approach to hiring, you’ll be able to meet your talent acquisition needs while better managing costs and staying ahead of the competition. Ready to learn how an RPO provider could deliver value to your organization? Get started by contacting Envision today.

Talent Solutions


RPO vs Staffing Agencies — What’s the Difference?

May 25, 2023

​​In today's hyper-competitive labor market, organizations struggle to attract and hire the talent they need to remain productive and grow the business. As a result, many employers seek outside help to fulfill their hiring needs. While there are plenty of staffing solutions out there, they're not all built in the same way or for the same purposes. Knowing which one is right for your business can mean the difference between developing a long-term strategy that delivers top talent or relying on short-term solutions for critical hiring needs. To help you understand the different options you have when it comes to talent acquisition, let's go through the three primary hiring solutions you'll find: recruitment process outsourcing (RPO), staffing agencies, and recruitment agencies. Recruitment Process Outsourcing When you outsource your recruiting process to an RPO service provider, they take on part or all of the responsibilities to help you drive productivity and efficiency, enhance the candidate experience, and increase the quality of each hire. In contrast to traditional staffing services, an RPO firm acts as a long-term business partner, working with you to develop a comprehensive talent acquisition strategy and proactively strengthen your candidate pipeline. RPO recruitment is also designed for flexibility. Whether you need an immediate staffing solution or continued full-lifecycle support, an RPO partner allows you to scale with ease to accommodate low- and high-volume periods. Plus, you gain deep industry knowledge, expertise in niche skill sets, and valuable insights into global hiring trends to attract and secure only the best talent for your organization. Staffing Agencies When companies need to expedite the hiring process to fill essential positions on short notice or hire workers for an upcoming project, they often turn to a staffing agency. These agencies typically focus on finding temporary workers, also known as contingent staffing, through an applicant database. While staffing firms can support your team and secure short-term workers for critical operations or services, the pricing models often mean they're motivated to hire efficiently, not necessarily effectively. In other words, because you pay a staffing company for every hire, their business model tends to focus on finding the fastest placement rather than the most qualified candidate. Recruitment Agencies In contrast to contingent staffing agencies, a traditional recruitment agency specializes in hiring full-time employees. These recruiting services emphasize their ability to attract and retain long-term employees who add value to your organization. However, working with a recruitment agency can lead to the same pitfalls as a staffing firm. While recruitment agencies offer a pipeline of active candidates to quickly fill open positions, it may be redundant for companies who already have one built out. Additionally, these agencies often use a similar fee system to staffing firms, focusing on a speedy hiring process instead of ensuring each candidate has the skills and personality to fit your company. The RPO Difference So, what sets an RPO company apart from other staffing solutions? The main advantage of outsourcing your recruitment process is the lasting business relationship you will develop with your RPO partner. For instance, when you work with Envision, you'll get a dedicated team of RPO recruiters who spend time getting to know your business. We live and breathe your company to ensure that every candidate we assess has not just the necessary hard skills but also the crucial culture fit to mesh with your organization. We also monitor and report on key performance metrics — such as time-to-hire, cost-per-hire, candidate experience, and retention levels — to provide you with peace of mind and exceptional results. When you go RPO, you get: Proactive SourcingWhether you're contending with fluctuating staffing demands or struggling to meet a consistent hiring need, RPO providers offer a wide range of talent acquisition services to accomplish your business goals. It starts by enhancing your employer brand and streamlining processes to make the hiring process as painless as possible. Then, recruiting experts work with you to strategize and build a proactive pipeline that delivers the right talent when you need it. Reduced Recruitment CostsRPO recruitment offers unparalleled flexibility, allowing you to scale your services and workforce to achieve your business goals. When you leverage the power of an RPO partner to handle all of your recruiting needs, you can significantly reduce the use of third-party staffing solutions altogether. In addition, you save even more money on indirect expenses, such as the time it takes and the cost of a bad hire. A Dedicated Talent Acquisition PartnerWith in-depth knowledge of your entire business, your RPO recruiters act as a seamless extension of your internal recruitment function. As the partnership evolves, an RPO partner helps you develop efficient processes and attractive employer branding. When it comes time to engage with candidates, they'll only communicate on your behalf and always act with your best interests in mind. What’s the Right Recruitment Strategy For You? While it's easy for us to say the right choice is RPO, the real answer will depend on your business's specific situation. Staffing and recruitment agencies certainly have their place, providing short-term support for seasonal or immediate placements. If you're seeking a simple transactional relationship to fill a few roles, then contract staffing could be a good solution. But if you want to evolve your recruiting strategy and create proactive processes for competitive talent acquisition, an RPO partner may benefit you more in the long run. Overcome Your Talent Troubles With Envision Envision is a leading provider of global talent acquisition solutions. Our flexible RPO models cover everything from short-term hiring projects to full-lifecycle support and more. With deep knowledge of recruiting in a wide range of industries and niche skill sets, we partner with you to source, assess, and secure the best talent for any position. Interested in learning more? Reach out to the Envision team today.

Talent Acquisition Strategy


How to Develop a Winning Talent Acquisition Strategy

May 11, 2023

For many organizations, the hiring process begins when an employee leaves, leaders make the decision to find a replacement, or a new project requires additional workers. However, this reactive approach to recruitment can lead to tight crunches and poor hiring decisions. Moreover, teams are often left to make do with growing skill gaps while handling multiple workflows, harming productivity. To hire and retain the best talent, and ultimately stay ahead of the competition, you need to build a proactive acquisition pipeline that delivers highly qualified candidates when you need them most. But how can you accomplish this? Let’s take a closer look at how you can develop a winning talent acquisition strategy that achieves unprecedented results. Identify and Align With Business Goals Before you dive into creating or modifying your recruitment process, it’s important to take a step back and look at the bigger picture. What are your organizational goals over the next few years? How can your strategy meet these talent needs. Think about how your company will scale or expand in the future and focus on finding skilled candidates that can take you there. By taking the time to align your process with business goals and plan out your workforce needs, you’ll not only make better hiring decisions — but you’ll also be laying the foundation for future success. Refine Employer Branding Just like a consumer brand is aimed at spreading awareness and driving customer engagement, your employer brand should focus on marketing to candidates. Before a person even applies to a position, they’ve likely already interacted with your brand in some capacity. You need to present an image that immediately attracts attention and encourages job seekers to find out more. According to LinkedIn, passive candidates comprise around 70% of the global workforce, meaning most talent isn’t actively looking for new job opportunities. To attract these skilled workers, your employer branding should be highly targeted and relevant to these audiences. Optimize the Candidate Experience Outside of first impressions, the next most important thing to a potential employee is the hiring experience. Do your job descriptions set realistic expectations? Are they engaging and mobile-friendly? Do your applicants have to wait weeks to hear back from you? Candidates want a seamless experience throughout the hiring process. Optimizing this journey requires regular communication and consistent messaging across multiple touch points. Streamline the Onboarding Process Even after an employee accepts an offer, it’s still possible to lose them to a competitor. A seamless onboarding experience can smooth the transition and set up every employee for success, no matter their role or responsibilities. Start by introducing your new hire to the team, which will create an environment of trust and support. Then, define the expectations you set out in the hiring process. This will provide a foundation for professional growth and development, clearly demonstrating your company culture while articulating your organization’s goals and processes. Add Value With Professional Development Retaining top employees is no easy feat, especially in today’s competitive labor market. However, when you offer your workers a clear path toward the next step in their careers, they’ll be more likely to stay with your company and learn new skills. Whether you provide extensive training to reskill or upskill employees, or you offer professional development programs to help your people advance their careers, these investments strengthen your company in the long run. Plus, you can shape your employees into future company leaders to ensure you have the right talent with the necessary skills for any position. Develop a Proactive Talent Pipeline With an effective strategy in place, it’s time to shift focus toward building a proactive pipeline for talent acquisition. Unlike recruitment, which reacts to changing hiring needs, proactive talent acquisition prepares your organization for the rapidly evolving hiring landscape. Identify where you need additional support (both short- and long-term) and develop a targeted persona to clearly define your ideal candidate. Don’t know where to start? A recruitment process outsourcing (RPO) partner like Envision can help you understand your current strengths and areas for improvement. Reach out to an expert today to see how Envision can elevate your talent acquisition strategy.

Talent Solutions


How RPO Talent Acquisition Supports Your Recruitment Strategy

April 27, 2023

Finding the right, qualified talent is a critical factor in any company's success. Yet, even experienced employers are struggling to achieve an effective talent acquisition process in today's hiring climate. As the U.S. labor market continues to add hundreds of thousands of job openings each month, and unemployment rates steadily shrink, companies will only continue to face fierce competition when it comes to attracting and hiring the right talent. To overcome these modern challenges and adapt their recruiting strategies, many business leaders choose recruitment process outsourcing (RPO). But what is RPO, and how can an RPO partner support or even transform your talent acquisition strategy? What is a Talent Acquisition Strategy? Before we dive into what an RPO provider can do for your business, it's important to cover the basics of talent acquisition. After all, finding and hiring qualified candidates doesn't just happen magically. It takes a carefully considered, deliberate strategy and the full effort of a talent acquisition team to maintain a high-performing recruiting process. But hiring the right people is about more than simply recruiting. The best talent acquisition strategies take a holistic approach, encompassing everything from the candidate experience and employer branding to the hiring process — all the while, your team needs to ensure alignment with key business goals. Whether you're reviewing your current strategy or you want to leverage recruitment outsourcing to enhance your hiring initiatives, here's a short rundown of everything your talent acquisition strategy should include: Analyze current talent needs and supply to ensure that everything aligns with your overall business strategy. You’ll also want to uncover any skill or knowledge gaps to identify areas in which you need additional support. Forecast future hiring demands to determine what type of candidate and experience your organization currently requires or will need soon. Evaluate employer branding and candidate engagement across all touch points. An attractive brand image and a positive candidate experience can be a crucial differentiator that sets you apart from the competition. Assess strategies and technologies to identify and close any gaps or inefficiencies in your hiring process. You might find that you need to update your current recruitment process or strategy to stay competitive in the labor market. Source and secure talent with a focus on how each candidate will integrate and grow with your organization. Your final hire should not only have the necessary skills and knowledge for the position, but they should also fit in with your company culture, values, and mission. What is Recruitment Process Outsourcing? According to the Recruitment Process Outsourcing Association, "RPO is a form of business process outsourcing (BPO) where an employer transfers all or part of its recruitment processes to an external service provider." While you might see the term "outsourcing" and ask yourself, "Why would I trust a third party with my talent acquisition process?", the truth is RPO is much more than an external workforce solution. When you partner with a dedicated RPO team, you build a lasting business relationship built on mutual trust and shared goals. Your RPO recruiters will embed themselves into your organization, acting as a seamless extension of your talent acquisition team while assuming full management and responsibility of the processes you agree upon. How Does RPO Work? Through clearly defined processes and deep-rooted recruitment expertise, RPO seamlessly aligns and integrates with your business. It starts off with your RPO partner getting to know the ins and outs of your business and company culture. By meeting you where you are currently at and building upon your existing strategies and processes, RPO firms deliver top-quality talent while minimizing time, costs, and turnover rates of traditional hiring. A quality RPO solution fully aligns with your hiring managers and leadership to help drive your entire end-to-end recruitment process. For instance, Envision's RPO experts provide a comprehensive list of services, including: Candidate sourcing allows you to expand your talent pool with both active and passive candidates. Screening assesses each candidate for technical skills as well as culture fit. Reporting provides you with comprehensive recruiting metrics and actionable insights to improve the process. Workforce planning enables you to develop strategic plans and forecast future hiring needs. Different RPO Models At Envision, we understand that every business is a unique case with specific goals and support needs. That’s why we offer three different RPO models for varying levels of recruitment support: End-to-end: This RPO model provides ongoing support for the full lifecycle of your recruitment process, from sourcing and screening to negotiations and onboarding assistance. Project-based: Also called on-demand RPO, this model offers continued short-term support for specific projects and hiring initiatives, such as finding employees for a new office location. Talent acquisition consulting: Gain expert guidance and strategic support on critical recruiting issues with our talent advisory services. Whether you need seasonal hiring support, a dedicated consultant, or you want to outsource your recruitment function entirely, RPO has the flexibility and deep specialization to elevate or transform your talent acquisition strategy. But is RPO right for your business? Is RPO the Right Talent Acquisition Strategy for Your Organization? Ultimately, the answer to this question will depend on your specific business needs and objectives. While there are many obvious advantages to RPO, such as the efficiency and quality of hires, this kind of outsourced workforce solution might not be best for every business. However, if your company struggles with any of the following recruiting challenges, RPO might be an excellent choice to optimize your talent acquisition strategy. There’s a lack of consistency and gaps in your hiring process. Scaling your workforce or recruiting efforts is a constant uphill battle. Your talent acquisition team needs better metrics on recruiting initiatives. At Envision, our RPO experts are ready to help. If you’d like to learn more about RPO talent acquisition or kick start your RPO journey, contact our team today.

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Talent & Market Insights


How Has Remote Working Impacted Talent Acquisition?

April 13, 2023

Three years ago, the majority of company leaders thought remote working arrangements were just a niche trend. But the rapid rise and benefits of this work-from-home model have cemented its place in the modern world. In fact, 58% of businesses returning to the office are encouraging hybrid arrangements, according to a study from Omedia. While some leaders are stuck in the past, rigidly mandating that employees come back to the office, it’s clear that the future of work will be flexible. But what does this mean for your talent acquisition teams who must adapt to an ever-changing labor market? Let’s take a look at some of the challenges you could face and the advantages that a remote strategy can bring to your business. The Challenges of Remote Working Models While the rapid shift to remote work a few years ago solidified its place in the modern workplace, many organizations embracing this model struggle to develop an effective talent acquisition strategy around work-from-home arrangements. Due to their popularity among job seekers, remote positions often generate a large volume of applications that can be difficult to search through. Outside of the initial recruitment and screening process, remote models present a number of challenges to talent acquisition teams. For instance, when employees work in different time zones, it can create scheduling difficulties. Virtual work can also lead to technical difficulties that slow down your operations. In addition, a blended workforce of remote, hybrid, and in-office employees can create inequitable disparities around pay and benefits. While these issues are avoidable with proper planning and strategizing, they can complicate the talent acquisition process. However, many recruiters find that the benefits outweigh the pitfalls. What Remote Working Models Can Offer Recruiters Three years after the meteoric rise of remote work, countless organizations are questioning whether they should make the back-to-office transition and what that would even look like. From the employee’s perspective, it’s easy to see why working from home is preferred, but many employers remain unconvinced. Whether you’re still on the fence or you’re trying to champion flexible arrangements in your workplace, here are three key benefits that remote models can offer talent acquisition professionals: 1. Expand Your Geographic Search Recruiting remote employees enables you to expand your geographic search as far as you’d like it to go, be it in the same time zone or halfway across the world. With so many countries and cities to source from, your talent pool grows immensely, potentially yielding top candidates you’d otherwise have no way of discovering. Not only does this mean you have a greater selection of talent, but it also provides candidates from diverse areas and backgrounds. With the right remote acquisition strategy, you can find people that bring valuable new perspectives and ideas to your company. 2. Attract More Candidates If you’d like to offer remote working arrangements but still want to keep employees in the same time zones, you won’t be missing out. Just by adding a work-from-home option, you’ll have job seekers virtually lining up for the opportunity. According to a 2020 Slack survey, 72% of respondents preferred hybrid or remote working models; yet, a McKinsey study found that only 35% of employees have the option. That means that remote positions can not only attract more active candidates, but it also has the potential to sway passive candidates looking for more flexibility. 3. Increase Employee Retention In addition to growing a stronger candidate pool, offering remote or hybrid arrangements can also boost employee retention. While working from home can come with downsides for employees, such as isolation and issues with work-life balance, Tracking Happiness found that remote employees are 20% happier than those who work on-premise. Furthermore, the National Bureau of Economic Research reports that hybrid arrangements can reduce quit rates by up to 35%. At the end of the day, the willingness to work with employees on a flexible model is crucial to keeping them satisfied and retaining your workforce. Enhance Your Remote Recruitment Strategy With Envision Are you looking for help planning your remote recruitment strategy? Envision has the experts you need to design, implement and maintain an effective talent acquisition pipeline that delivers top remote candidates for your most critical positions. Contact us today to find out more about what Envision can do for your recruitment process.

Talent Solutions


Gaining Executive Buy-In for an RPO Partner

March 30, 2023

​While you’re no doubt aware of the benefits of partnering with a recruitment process outsourcing (RPO) partner, the final decision will ultimately come down to your company’s leadership. Sure, you know that RPO is proven to cut costs and time-to-hire while delivering high-quality talent, but how do you convince the higher ups of this value? To help you build the business case for an RPO partner, let’s discuss how you can persuade your company executives. Presenting RPO Benefits to Different Leaders RPO provides advantages for everyone in your organization, but it’s important to remember that different positions have distinct priorities, such as: Chief Financial Officers (CFOs) are focused on cost savings. Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) want better talent in less time. Chief Human Resources Officers (CHROs) need strategic support and market insight. Talent Acquisition (TA) Directors focus on supporting struggling TA teams and better preparing for future hiring demands. You’ll want to tailor your pitch to speak to each executive and their specific challenges or concerns. Common Concerns About RPO Before you start espousing the benefits of an RPO partnership, you’ll need to prepare for the inevitable “what-ifs” that stand in the way of change. It’s certainly reasonable for leaders to have concerns, but many people hold common misconceptions, including: You’ll lose control over the process. The costs will be too high. There won’t be any flexibility. In reality, the opposite is true. Not only do RPO providers offer flexible services that adapt to your current recruitment processes, but they also minimize reliance on external agencies with an all-in-one solution. Plus, the high-quality talent you receive means that you won’t have to worry about the cost of a bad hire — which Northwestern University estimates to be around 30% of the individual’s first-year earnings. Some executives and internal TA teams might worry that RPO providers will replace jobs in the organization, but this isn’t the case. RPO offers a long-term, strategic partnership that builds off of each other’s strengths. Rather than take over your team’s functions, an RPO partner works with you to leverage the best qualities in both your internal and RPO recruiters. Building a Better Business Case Once you’ve familiarized yourself with the various concerns leaders may have and the unique benefits they stand to gain, it’s time to develop a solid case as to why your organization should outsource the recruitment process. Ensure Alignment on Culture and Objectives Start by assessing the culture and goals of both your organization and your potential RPO partner. Are your company leaders ready to invest in a high-quality solution for finding the right people? Do your companies share the same values and vision? Will your RPO partner ensure candidates have the necessary skills and culture fit to mesh with your team? Aligning on these points will be critical in laying the groundwork for a successful partnership. Leverage Data to Communicate Opportunities Next, you’ll need to clearly articulate and present the value an RPO provider could bring to your organization. While it’s important to tell a compelling story explaining why you need RPO, executives are often swayed more by data and hard facts. Leverage both to provide a transparent view of the benefits. For instance, if a potential partner advertises statistics like a 40% reduction in time-to-hire, include these stats in your presentation. Enhance Recruiting With a Holistic Sourcing Solution As the talent shortage impacts all industries, countless leaders are starting to see gaps growing throughout their organizations. According to a McKinsey survey, 87% of respondents say their company is currently experiencing or expecting skill gaps in the next few years. By positioning RPO as a holistic talent-sourcing solution that reduces the need for third-party recruiters, you check all the boxes for executive buy-in — from the CFO and CEO to CHRO and TA Director. Gain a Long-Term Business Partner Envision is more than just a recruiting company, we’re a long-term business partner for our clients. As a leading provider of RPO solutions, we have the expertise and experience to deliver flexible, high-quality talent acquisition services that exceed your expectations. To learn more about how Envision can help you develop a proactive talent acquisition strategy, contact our team today.

Talent Acquisition Strategy


Developing an Effective Recruitment Process in Japan

March 16, 2023

​While Japan covers an area smaller than the size of California, the island nation still boasts the third-highest GDP in the world, according to Investopedia. With a large, stable economy and a reputation for quality and innovation, it's easy to see why a foreign company might want to expand its borders into Japan. However, the country also presents distinct employment challenges, even for large companies. On top of competing for talent with Japanese firms, any business looking to recruit in the country will have to contend with different labor practices, work cultures, employee attitudes, and much more. This might seem like a steep learning curve, but Japan's economy and business landscape offers too much opportunity to ignore. To help you tap into this business potential and expand your global footprint, here's everything you need to know about talent acquisition in Japan. What You Need to Know Before Hiring in Japan Before beginning or even planning your recruitment process, it's essential to do your due diligence and research Japan. While specific employment laws and regulations are easy to find online, understanding the intricacies of labor trends, the working culture, and business etiquette isn't as simple. As an example, life-long employment is a common practice in Japan. Companies often use job fairs as a way to recruit university students and young professionals, getting them interested early on. Then, they'll hire a fresh graduate and develop that individual's professional skills and knowledge over time. Let's take a look at three critical aspects of recruiting in Japan: Age Demographics Japan has one of the highest populations of elderly citizens in the world, with nearly 30% of the country aged 65 and older, according to IndexMundi. As this large portion of the population enters retirement, any company looking to recruit in Japan will face mounting challenges in the years to come. While this workforce would normally be replaced by younger generations, Japan's long-declining birth rates mean that the labor market is continually shrinking. To overcome this problem, your recruiting efforts and employer brand must cater to students and young professionals who are job hunting for their first position. Labor Shortage As a result of the aging population and low birth rates, Japan has been experiencing a dire labor shortage. While there has been a rise in women and older people participating in the workforce, Japanese firms are still struggling to find the talent they need. According to Reuters, many of these companies are now raising wages to attract new workers and ease chronic talent shortages. Cultural Differences Perhaps the largest barrier to recruiting in Japan, outside of the tight competition for talent, is the cultural differences you'll have to learn. For instance, the average Japanese candidate is more cautious when it comes to choosing or changing employers. Nine times out of 10, they'll take a job offer from a well-known Japanese company rather than risk working for a smaller foreign one. There is also a stigma around changing jobs frequently. As a result, many job openings go to recent graduates without much work experience. Meanwhile, those who are employed tend to stay with their company for life. How Does Recruiting Differ Between Japan and the U.S.? Due to the unique culture, demographics, and employee regulations, recruiting in Japan is vastly different from the U.S. For example, it can be incredibly difficult to actually fire an employee in Japan, even for performance issues. Unlike the U.S., Japan doesn't allow employers to terminate "at will." This is because the culture places a greater emphasis on one's job, and people often dedicate their entire working lives to a company. This ties into the concept of "shinsotsu saiyo" in Japan — the traditional hiring process in which companies recruit new university graduates just as they enter the job market. Once they pass the interview and selection process, these employees often remain at the company for their entire careers. While shinsotsu saiyo offers a great deal of job security, the idea of "lifetime employment" is being contested as more foreign companies establish a work culture in which changing employers throughout a career is normal. In general, the Japanese labor market consists primarily of passive candidates. Whereas U.S. employees are always searching for the next opportunity, the average Japanese person is more concerned with security for themselves and their families. As a result, it can be difficult to find candidates for job openings. But how can companies overcome these obstacles? What Do Companies Need to Successfully Recruit in Japan? When it comes to recruiting top talent in Japan, the number one thing companies should focus on is their employer branding and messaging. Because Japanese workers are more likely to accept a job offer from a Japanese company, you'll need an effective way to not only get the word out but promote an attractive image to entice applicants. Start by creating and posting job ads. It's important to remember that Japanese people don't often use social media to find employment opportunities. Instead, post your openings on popular online job boards or attend job fairs to recruit university students and young professionals. Alternatively, you can partner with an RPO service provider with intimate knowledge and experience in recruiting high-quality candidates in Japan. Recruitment Process Outsourcing in Japan Recruitment process outsourcing (RPO) enables you to outsource part or all of your recruiting process to a trusted business partner. Whether you're opening a new location in Japan, or you're looking to hire Japanese workers for your foreign company, RPO provides you with deep regional knowledge and expertise to support your hiring initiatives. As a fully integrated partner with your business, they'll work with you to develop a proactive talent acquisition process that delivers high-quality candidates for any position. Envision is Japan's leading RPO firm, specializing in flexible talent acquisition solutions that deliver exceptional results. To learn more about recruitment process outsourcing in Japan, contact us today.

Talent Acquisition Strategy


Developing a Global Talent Acquisition Strategy

March 2, 2023

The last three years have seen unprecedented disruptions in both how and where we work. From the ongoing public health crisis to labor shortages and economic hardship, employers have had to face numerous challenges to secure the talent they need. Remote and hybrid work arrangements have been a key part of many organizations’ plans to overcome these difficulties, providing a competitive hiring advantage. The ability to hire top talent from anywhere in the world has been a great asset to companies, allowing them to fill niche skill gaps, attract more qualified candidates, and expand their teams to the international level. But how can organizations develop a global talent acquisition strategy that secures the best talent for their essential positions? What is Global Talent Acquisition? The process of talent acquisition involves sourcing, assessing, and securing the right candidates to develop or expand your highly skilled workforce. It starts with long-term strategizing to fine-tune your employer branding, enhance the candidate experience, and plan out your talent needs in advance. Global talent acquisition takes this process a step further by clearly defining your recruitment goals and strategies to attract the right talent from different countries. For foreign markets, a successful strategy involves careful research and planning to ensure your employer brand appeals to foreign job seekers. 4 Tips for Going Global With Your Talent Acquisition Strategy Whether you’re expanding into a new region or building out a diverse remote team, here are four tips to help you maximize your hiring success on the international stage: 1. Understand Regional Job Markets and Work Attitudes The first thing you must do before launching a global hiring initiative is research, as labor laws and candidate sentiments vary widely between regions. In addition to understanding the local language, employment laws, and labor market, you’ll also need insight into the unique culture, traditions, social norms, and employee attitudes that influence candidate decisions. For instance, you don’t want to accidentally offend someone during an interview or alienate candidates with an offer that doesn’t meet the general expectations of that country’s workforce. 2. Tailor Your Employee Value Proposition and Employer Brand Once you have a basic understanding of your target region, its customs, and culture, you’ll need to start thinking about how you should attract and engage potential employees. Your talent acquisition content (i.e., the job posts and position descriptions that make up your employer brand) should provide information that’s specifically tailored to the local region and labor market, and it also needs to be consistent with your corporate image and messaging. Similarly, you should also adapt your employer value proposition to regional expectations. 3. Optimize Your Outreach and Engagement To accommodate varying labor markets, you’ll need a dynamic outreach strategy that’s localized for each region. Pay attention to how top candidates search for jobs. For instance, in some areas, it might be normal for job seekers to work with agencies, while other markets may rely more on social media and network connections. By basing your outreach and engagement strategies on local preferences, you’ll be able to tap into talent pools you’d otherwise miss, giving you access to highly qualified candidates for your global team. 4. Offer Relocation Assistance to Accommodate Time Zones and Talent Supply While remote work can be done from anywhere in the world, it might be essential for employees to remain in the same timezone as the organization. On the other hand, the local talent supply might lack the workforce you need for highly specialized skills like software engineers. Whatever the case may be, a relocation package can help you attract and retain the perfect matches for critical positions. Keep in mind that asking someone to move countries is a big deal and different people have different needs, so your package should be personalized without being unfair to current employees. How Global Talent Acquisition Benefits From RPO Envision is a leading provider of recruitment process outsourcing (RPO) services, helping businesses like yours secure the talent they need to succeed. With deep knowledge and expertise in regional labor markets, our team can help you develop a global talent acquisition strategy that exceeds your expectations. Want to learn more about how RPO can benefit your business? Contact our team today.

Talent & Market Insights


5 Recruiting Mistakes to Avoid in Today’s Hiring Climate

February 26, 2023

​People are the engine of any organization; they can either drive it forward to success or cause you to break down on the side of the road. To get the right people on your team, you need an effective and efficient recruitment process that attracts top talent while mitigating costs. Of course, this is easier said than done, and it’s all too common that employers make a mistake along the way — especially in today’s challenging hiring climate. While a clerical error likely won’t have devastating consequences, a bad hiring decision certainly can. According to Northwestern University, a single bad hire costs an organization at least 30% of that person’s first-year expected earnings. But these decisions are often just a symptom of a larger, more systemic issue. As the competition heats up and challenges increase in complexity, it’s time to rethink your recruiting strategy. To help you make the right decisions, here are the top five hiring mistakes you need to avoid: 1. Delivering a Poor Candidate Experience Candidates are assessing your brand as much as you’re assessing their skills and culture fit. Something as simple as a missed email or late reply can leave a bad taste in their mouth, causing them to look elsewhere or lose interest. In fact, 58% of jobseekers declined an offer due to a poor experience during the hiring process. Companies simply can’t afford the consequences of a poor candidate engagement. When your recruitment strategy emphasizes the importance of a positive hiring experience, you’ll not only attract more applicants but keep them interested throughout the hiring process. 2. Rushing the Recruiting Process Hiring managers often feel pressured to expedite the hiring process, especially when vital positions are left unfilled. However, finding the right placement in a short turnaround can lead to immense workloads that overburden your team. This can cause high turnover in and of itself, but even worse, the time crunch can result in an unsuccessful hire that ends up costing you more in the long run. Instead of rushing to secure the first qualified candidate, take the time to discuss the qualities you’re looking for with your team and company leaders. Make sure you’re not overlooking any red flags and pay close attention to soft skills and culture fit. 3. Ignoring Culture Fit A candidate’s personality and ability to fit in with your work culture is vital to their success in your company. Without the right match, even top talent could end up causing conflict or leaving the organization altogether. On top of culture fit, many recruiters overlook an applicant’s ability to add to company culture. It’s essential to not just consider how a candidate will fit in and align with your company’s values, but how they will add unique value through their skills, perspectives, and experiences. 4. Confusing Job Descriptions Ambiguous or inaccurate job descriptions can quickly lead to confusion about a role’s responsibilities and requirements, not to mention your company as a whole. Without setting realistic expectations, you may end up hiring someone that leaves immediately once they realize the misrepresentation. When drafting your job descriptions, clear communication is essential. You’ll need to outline the exact primary job functions, showcase your company culture, and explain any professional development or growth opportunities. 5. Relying too Heavily on External or Active Recruiting If your recruiting strategy focuses solely on external candidates that are in the job market, you’re likely missing valuable opportunities. Look within your company and identify potential internal candidates. These employees already have the advantage of knowing your company and how it works, all you need to do is provide training to up- or re-skill them for a new position. Additionally, you can expand your talent pool by going after external passive candidates. These are people that are not actively job seeking, but effective outreach and an enticing offer can go a long way in persuading them to change employers. Revamp Your Recruitment Process With Envision Whether you want to attract high-quality passive candidates or you need help enhancing your strategy, Envision has the talent acquisition solutions for your business. As the leading provider of recruitment process outsourcing (RPO) services, our recruiters are experts in the industry, ready to support your success. Interested in learning more? Contact us today to see how RPO can help your team navigate today’s hiring climate.

Talent Solutions


8 Benefits of Outsourcing Recruitment

February 16, 2023

Getting the right talent on your team is essential to your business's success, but the modern recruiting landscape is more competitive than ever before. Across every industry, organizations are facing new and evolving challenges when it comes to finding and securing qualified candidates, not to mention the growing skill and knowledge gaps. To enhance their talent acquisition function and gain a competitive edge in the job market, many employers are shifting tactics toward an outsourced recruitment approach. But what is recruitment process outsourcing, and why are companies switching to this model? Let's take a closer look at what recruitment process outsourcing is and how it can help your business: Attract high-quality talent. Improve the employer brand. Streamline the entire recruiting process from beginning to end. What is Recruitment Process Outsourcing? Recruitment process outsourcing (RPO) is when an employer partners with an RPO firm to design and deploy a tailored talent acquisition process that delivers qualified candidates in the short and long term. An RPO partner acts as an extension of your talent acquisition team, taking on part or all of your recruitment function. How Does RPO Compare to Traditional Recruitment Methods? The primary goal of any recruitment service provider, whether it's an RPO partner or a recruitment agency, is to help employers find the right employees. However, there's an important distinction in the way each of these solutions goes about finding and securing potential candidates. Whereas a traditional recruiting firm is motivated to expedite the hiring process due to the fees they collect on each placement, an RPO partner helps your business develop a long-term, proactive candidate pipeline. Whether you need end-to-end support throughout the entire process, or you just need to outsource recruitment for a specific hiring initiative, RPO offers a dedicated team to help you with business-critical recruiting functions. The Benefits of Outsourcing Your Recruitment Function Outsourcing certain or all recruitment functions is becoming an increasingly popular option for employers, evolving out of a need for high-quality talent often with specialized skill sets. This type of recruiting solution has significant benefits for businesses looking to reduce costs and attract better candidates, especially over traditional methods. Here are the top eight key advantages RPO can bring to your business: 1. Streamline the Entire Recruitment Process An RPO partner can manage your entire recruitment process, enabling you to streamline hiring initiatives with a proven, consistent methodology. They’ll meet your business where it’s at to help you develop a proactive talent pipeline while keeping your hiring managers and executives updated throughout every step. That way, you can eliminate inefficiencies and keep operations running smoothly. 2. Decrease Time-to-Hire According to the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), the average hiring process takes nearly 28 days from the point an application is submitted to the moment you hire the right candidate. This lengthy period poses a serious challenge to organizations looking to secure the best talent before the competition. An RPO provider works with you to minimize the time it takes to make the right hiring decision and close a deal, ensuring you have the best selection every time. 3. Recruiter Insights for Hiring Abroad If your company is seeking employees outside of your borders, whether for an international location or a remote position, an RPO partner can provide invaluable regional insights. Learn about local employer regulations, salary information, and the best channels and locations in which to start looking. With this advanced knowledge, you'll have no problem finding quality candidates wherever you need them. 4. Reduce Recruitment Costs One of the primary benefits of working with an RPO partner is the ability to minimize the cost of talent acquisition. Whether agency expenses are adding up, or you've become all too familiar with the cost of a bad hire, RPO provides a cost-effective solution for high-quality candidates. With an RPO partner, you can eliminate waste and improve efficiency across the board, saving money that’s better spent on revenue-generating activities. 5. Expand Your Talent Pool Job boards and fairs are a great way to recruit for some positions, but most highly skilled talent and executives aren't going to apply based on a short pitch or ad. In fact, LinkedIn estimates that 70% of the global workforce are passive candidates — those who aren't actively searching for jobs. An RPO provider helps you boost your employer brand and provides access to extensive talent networks to not only attract but convince candidates to come work for you. 6. Qualified Talent for Specialized Roles Finding and securing the right candidate for a highly specialized position can be incredibly challenging, especially as competition becomes fiercer. You need a recruiter with deep knowledge of the industry, required skills, and personality types that mesh with your company and fit the position. When you work with an RPO partner, you get this niche expertise, allowing you to achieve and exceed hiring expectations. 7. Minimize Employee Turnover A common complaint among hiring managers is that their current processes or agencies aren't effective enough at identifying which candidates will fit not just the position but the company culture as well. This issue often results in high turnover rates that cost your organization time and money. Your RPO partner will completely immerse themselves in your organization and company culture to fully understand what it means to be an employee and minimize the risks of a bad hire. 8. Flexible RPO Models Whether you're looking for temporary workers to meet seasonal hiring demands or you need full-lifecycle support, an RPO provider will meet you where you're at to develop proactive processes and strategies that deliver the right talent whenever you need it. At Envision, we offer complete flexibility with three RPO models: End-to-end RPO covers the entire recruitment process from sourcing candidates to securing each hire. On-demand and project RPO provides short-term support for fluctuating hiring needs. Talent acquisition consulting gives you expert advice in all aspects of the recruitment process. Interested in outsourcing your recruitment process to a team of experts? Reach out to Envision today.

Talent Solutions


5 Signs You Might Need an RPO Partner

February 2, 2023

​Amid concerns about a looming recession, supply chain challenges, and rising inflation, organizations are continuing to face significant talent shortages. At the same time, recruiters are facing mounting pressure to cut costs and deliver better results. So, how can you stay ahead in an increasingly competitive labor market? While leaders can take many avenues to meet hiring objectives, they often end up with a patchwork of solutions that only address the symptoms of a broken process or strategy. Recruitment process outsourcing (RPO) providers take a holistic approach, partnering with your business to understand and overcome both the daily and long-term challenges you face. But how do you know if your business could benefit from this form of business process outsourcing? Here are five signs you might need an RPO partner: 1. Fluctuating Hiring Demands Cause Disruptions Whether your organization experiences seasonal hiring challenges, or your demand for talent has varied widely recently, it can be difficult to find the right talent when you need it most. This volatility and the resulting time crunches leads to reactive hiring strategies that cost you more while delivering less. Oftentimes, reactive recruiters end up with low-quality hires that drag down retention rates. An RPO partner can adapt to your unique hiring needs with on-demand and project-based services for whatever situation you find yourself in. They’ll help you develop a long-term, proactive talent pipeline that delivers highly skilled candidates before your needs become dire. 2. Recruiters Are Overworked With High Turnover Recruiters play a vital role in selling your business to potential candidates, but they’re increasingly forced to do more with less. As a result, they often turn to external agencies that get paid per hire, incentivizing quick turnarounds over quality talent. This adds to the already growing workloads recruiters must bear, which can lead to high turnover rates for the people you need to build your organization. When you work with an RPO partner, you won’t have to worry about micromanaging or recruiter churn. RPO is designed to be an extension of your business, consistently supporting your recruitment function wherever you need it most. 3. Your Organization is Expanding to New Regions If your organization is expanding its global footprint with a new branch or office, you’ll need to secure the top talent in the local region. This requires expertise in things like language, regulations, cultural differences, and the other nuances that go into hiring people abroad. RPO experts provide you with deep multiregional knowledge to expand your global reach and recruiting efforts. They’ll help you understand all the norms, practices, and traditions of the local area to help your employee brand stand out in a new labor market. 4. Niche Skill Gaps Are Hard to Fill As the talent shortage continues, organizations across all industries are facing difficulties finding qualified candidates with specialized skills. This is especially true when it comes to filling niche skill gaps for highly competitive positions, such as data scientists or IT engineers. Not only do RPO partners connect you to a network of skilled professionals, but they also provide industry-specific knowledge that will help you attract and retain top talent for any position or skill set. 5. You Need to Cut Costs While Staying Agile and Competitive As agency and recruitment costs add up, companies are continually looking for ways to reduce spending while maximizing efficiency. However, they often still rely on reactive recruiting, which can become a costly cycle of poor hiring decisions, followed by low retention and a sudden demand. RPO reduces the need for external agencies, delivering high-quality talent that lasts. With a keen understanding of your company culture and values, RPO providers ensure that every candidate is a perfect match for your organization. On top of that, they’ll help you assess the competition, current market, recruitment costs, and much more to help you make the best decisions for long-term growth. Are You Considering an RPO Partner? Envision is a global leader in RPO solutions, providing flexible talent acquisition services for all manner of industry-specific hiring needs. Whether you need end-to-end support or a trusted consultant, we can help you elevate your strategy and build a proactive pipeline for top candidates. Interested in learning more? Contact our team today to see how Envision can exceed your hiring expectations.

Talent Solutions


4 Key Benefits of Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO)

January 12, 2023

Outsourcing within the recruitment industry is typically know as recruitment process outsourcing. RPO solutions can complement or even completely substitute an organization's internal recruitment function. There are many benefits to outsourcing the management of the recruitment function to an external recruitment expert. We have identified the top four: Improved Quality of Hire The right candidate is more than just a combination of experience and education. Numerous factors go into identifying the best person for a position. RPO providers have the resources necessary to source, screen, and hire the candidate who is the right fit for your organization not only in terms of experience and skill, but also in terms of personality and previous accomplishments. Additionally, RPO providers maintain a constant stream of candidates, which results in better options and a better new hire. Reduced Cost per Hire One of the greatest benefits of RPO is significant cost reduction. Companies often face hiring budget overruns as a result of steep recruitment agency fees that often exceed 30%, high job board subscription costs, and substantial turnover. RPO solutions provide an integrated recruitment solution that reduces your dependency on employment agencies while still maintaining fast time to hire and excellent quality of hire. Greater Flexibility and Scalability An RPO solution allows your organization to adjust your talent acquisition capabilities as your hiring needs change and fluctuate. Arrangements like project RPO are especially popular with organizations that find it difficult to forecast their needs or are experiencing rapid growth. Ultimately, RPO offers the option to scale up and down recruitment activity and resources to meet your current hiring needs. Enhanced Speed of Hire According to SHRM's most recent Talent Acquisition Benchmarking Report, the average time to fill a single vacancy is 36 days. This represents a long delay in acquiring urgently needed candidates and results in lost productivity and revenue as your organization is less equipped to execute your business objectives. RPO providers solve this challenge by working closely with hiring managers to understand specific job requirements, completing rigorous screening and assessment, and streamlining the offer presentation and onboarding process in order to create a quick and efficient hiring process for your organization.

Talent & Market Insights


4 Job Market Trends Impacting Recruitment

December 29, 2022

Over the last three years, the job market has experienced unprecedented disruptions and volatility. As the global economy continues to stagnate and job markets around the world tighten, modern recruiters face numerous obstacles to finding the right candidates and developing a proactive pipeline strategy. At the same time, many employees are reevaluating their priorities, work habits, and current positions, with only 14% finding their jobs fulfilling, according to PwC. From shifting work arrangements and flexibility to compensation packages and company culture, these evolving employee demands are reshaping the way we work and, thus, the way recruiters attract and retain talent. To help you stay ahead of the latest job market challenges, here are the top four trends and innovations happening in the current hiring landscape. 1. Tech Layoffs Still Spell Trouble for Recruiters With experts warning of a global recession in 2023, many business leaders are being forced to rethink and restructure their workforces. Even massive tech giants like Meta, Twitter, Amazon, and more have been in the news for laying off thousands of employees. While it might seem like these furloughs will add more fuel to the tech talent pool, it seems like many employees are burned out. A recent TechCrunch article interviewed numerous tech workers who all had one thing in common: multiple lay-offs in the last few years. As a result, tech workers have become far more cautious about accepting new positions, favoring companies that offer stability and security over fancy benefit packages or new and exciting startups. 2. Remote Working is on the Rise In the early days of the pandemic, work-from-home models became the default for nearly every industry. Eventually, this became a preference for many people seeking a better work-life balance, and now, almost three years later, remote and hybrid working arrangements are here to stay. According to a McKinsey survey, nearly 35% of respondents are able to work from home full-time. As candidates come to expect more flexibility in where and when they work, companies will have to adapt and accommodate these demands to maintain their workforces. While not every position can or should be fully remote, offering hybrid and work-from-home options can be an excellent way to boost recruitment and retention. Plus, full-time remote positions have the added benefit of expanding your geographic search area and, therefore, your talent pool. 3. Diversity Adds Value to Your Team Another dramatic change impacting recruitment in the last few years has been the massive surge in awareness around social justice issues, particularly regarding diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). Employees want to feel represented by their company leaders, and employers want the diverse perspectives, strengths, and values that come with different lived experiences. That’s why 71% of HR professionals say their companies are creating and committing to plans that improve DEI metrics, Paychex reports. There’s no question that DEI is a vitally important aspect of recruitment, from both an ethical and strategic standpoint. However, these initiatives are meant for HR, not PR — that means candidates are looking for actions rather than words. To truly have an impact and gain candidates’ trust, you must clearly outline your DEI plans and demonstrate real progress toward your goals. 4. Automating Tasks With Artificial Intelligence The final trend making big waves in the job market is artificial intelligence (AI) or, more specifically, the automation capabilities AI brings. While this technology is in the early stages of development, recruiters are already using innovative tools to streamline and automate much of the recruitment process. For instance, some companies use AI for sourcing and matching talent, resume screening, and candidate engagement. By automating these previously manual processes, AI can be a great advantage to recruiters, streamlining their workflows while identifying the best candidates for any position. However, it’s important to note that human bias and rigid frameworks can influence the behavior of AI systems. This can result in missed opportunities from candidates that fell through the cracks. Elevate Your Recruitment Process With Envision Are you looking to create an effective talent acquisition strategy that can survive today’s hiring climate? Envision has the full-lifecycle recruitment solutions you need to adapt to any challenge. Our flexible services accommodate your current processes, developing a proactive talent pipeline that fully aligns with your business. ​ Want to learn more? Contact the Envision team today to elevate your recruitment process.